Sunday, July 3, 2011

Red Hill (2010) (Australia)

You'd probably find this movie at your corner DVD store, as it has been released since last year. It'll be hidden behind Bruce Willis' "Red", or even the pseudo horror movie "Red Riding Hood". Whatever it is, I believe this is the better of the "Red" movies currently available on DVD and Bluray. 

The Skinny: Newly installed constable Shane Cooper jumps right into action on his first day at work in a small rural Australian town called Red Hill in outback Victoria, when an escaped convict rolls in town to exact bloody vengeance. 

The Helmer: Patrick Hughes - Red Hill (2010), Signs (Short) (2008), The Lighter (Short) (2001), The Director (Short) (2000). 

The Casts: Ryan Kwanten, Steve Bisley, Tommy Lewis, Christopher Davis, Kevin Herrington

The Review: I'd say this is a new perfect film, and an even nearer perfect revenge movie. From the dialogue to the acting to the directing to the editing to the cinematography. What starts out slow and even-paced escalates to a very fast technical and methodical execution from scene to scene; each action getting an equal an devastating reaction. The escaped convict, the almost-silent Kevin Herrington plays the part of a single-minded hunter out to take down the men who destroyed his life. It is both brutal and upon a second viewing, very much justified as the hunted are shot, and decimated at point blank range. I like the sensibilities of the ending as the decision Herrington takes is one which all of us would take; it is not morally sound nor is it poetic, its just an angry man doing what he's been planning to do for the past 10 years, and to do it right. 


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