Thursday, August 19, 2010

Skyline (2010)

Finally a prediction / preview that is not horror-related; although it can be horrific to the characters in this sci-fi action flick of alien invasion. Whatever it is, the trailer kinda kicks ass as it does have a whole lotta buncha humans flying into the butt-hole of a mean looking alien space ship screaming their little lungs out. Its like watching ants with arms and legs getting sucked up a vacuum cleaner. Nice. Me like.

The Skinny: Alien invasion. 2010 version. 

Tagline: Don't Look Up

Release Dates: 12th November 2010

The Prediction: I have a fondness for movies directed by brothers. Only because brothers-directed movies have over the years, rocked. Like for example, the Coen Brothers, yeah, and the Warchowski Brothers, the Farrelly Brothers, and many other twin-teams that makes pretty good flicks. So when an alien invasion movie comes along, directed by brothers, its like having two kids have fun. And everyone knows that real work of art emerges when you have fun. BTW, check out the site, its apparently part of rogue network? What the hell is the rogue network? Hmm. Go google it.

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