Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Walking Dead (2010) TV

Everybody loves zombies; they're so cool. Why? Because they're very common-people. They're not pseudo classy like vampires, nor are they animalistic like werewolves. They just lumber about seeking out brains to eat. And they look hideous, with rotting flesh hanging off their faces. People just generally like them, because its a common enough fear of dead people coming back to life. Which is why Frank Darabont's adaptation of the very popular 2003 comic series The Walking Dead is eagerly awaited. The fact that its a TV series makes it all the more reasonable and logical as you can't squeeze a long term comic series into one single movie.

The Skinny: Taking the cue from 28 Days Later, police officer Rick Grimes wakes up from a long comatose state to a world teeming with the walking dead. And he's family's missing. Cue family drama with zombies.

Release Date: October 2010

The Helmer: Frank Darabont -
  1. "The Walking Dead" (pre-production) (1 episode, 2010)
        - Pilot (2010) TV episode
  2. The Mist (2007)
    ... aka "Stephen King's The Mist" - USA (complete title)
  3. "The Shield" (1 episode, 2007)
        - Chasing Ghosts (2007) TV episode
  4. "Raines" (1 episode, 2007)
        - Pilot (2007) TV episode
  5. The Majestic (2001)
  6. The Green Mile (1999)
    ... aka "Stephen King's The Green Mile" - USA (complete title)
  7. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
  8. Buried Alive (1990) (TV)
  9. The Woman in the Room (1983)
    ... aka "Stephen King's Night Shift Collection" - USA (video box title)
    ... aka "Stephen King's Nightshift Collection Volume One: The Woman in the Room" - USA (video box title)
The Casts: Andrew Lincoln, Joe Bernthal, Jeffrey DeMunn, Laurie Holden, Michael Rooker, Sarah Wayne Callies

The Prediction: I have great respect for Darabont - he is one the few directors in Hollywood who can faithfully adapt existing written material and project it on the screen without losing any of the original work's fanbase. He was good with Stephen King's works notably The Shawshank Redemption (1994), The Green Mile (1999) , and The Mist (2007). Which says alot about his directorial ethics - he repsects the material and uses his craft exceptionally well to tell the story. Which is why this TV adaptation looks set to become a TV event worth noting.

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