The For horror-freaks out there - thought I'd share with you the top 100 horror movies of all time from, which is pretty insightful is you ask me. Check it out here. For those too lazy to hyper jump to the link, this is the brief summary:
So there you have it, the list of what scares us silly from 100 all the way up to 1. What I'm really curious is this - why hasn't anyone ever topped The Exorcist as the scariest movie of all time? I guess the writers and directors nowadays seek to scare people by adding more gore, and using CGI in almost everything. Real horror has its roots in terror, and terror stems from the generally accepted idea of unimaginable things waiting in the dark for us, waiting to spring out shrieking. Most often it is not visual, but something imagined and the trepidation that comes with it. The build-up, the tightening of the screws, the final payoff and the basic intention of the evil itself as something with its own intelligence.
Having said that, would you be able to watch The Exorcist ALONE, at NIGHT, in a DARK HOUSE? Give it a try, I DARE you ...